
We planned for our pregnancy. We were prepared for this. I wanted to have a baby shower, a baby-moon, maternity photos, newborn photos, and help from family visiting, all that fun stuff when you have a baby. But the initial lock downs in 2020 cancelled all of it. The pandemic said no and cancelled our plans. No visiting family. None of that fun stuff. I grieved the losses of those things with my second and third trimesters. Not to mention the concern about getting sick while carrying my son. My husband and I working full time in essential businesses.
My son was born on Mother’s Day 2020. 5 weeks early. 7lb 6oz and the only child I was going to have.
He was beautiful. He spent 15 days in the NICU over an hour away from our home. It was a scary time on top of the pandemic. He wouldn’t latch due to the nicu stay and so I pumped and pumped and pumped.
10 months of exclusive pumping was enough to feed him to a year.
For mother’s day 2021 I decided to take that frustration, loss, scary experiences, struggles of pumping... and pool it into a keepsake. I wanted it to match my wedding band, since these represent the two people closest to me. My husband, my left hand man. My son, my right hand man. C September/ sapphires is the stone for my husband. And ruby is mine, intertwined with the emeralds which is my baby’s. We were intertwined. I carried him.
It’s beautiful. It’s worth it. And it’s amazing to have it.
Thank you again.
In Photo: Majestic Ring Set